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» Hello ^^
Rate the song above you Icon_minitime1Mier Mar 10, 2010 3:31 pm Scris de Buffy

» Guess the colsplay!
Rate the song above you Icon_minitime1Joi Ian 29, 2009 6:24 pm Scris de Kamishiro

» Rate the anime
Rate the song above you Icon_minitime1Joi Ian 29, 2009 6:21 pm Scris de Kamishiro

» Ce film nu recomandati?
Rate the song above you Icon_minitime1Lun Ian 26, 2009 5:01 pm Scris de DarkAngel

» Ultimul film vazut
Rate the song above you Icon_minitime1Dum Ian 25, 2009 5:21 pm Scris de DarkAngel

» Cu ce te imbraci?
Rate the song above you Icon_minitime1Vin Ian 23, 2009 4:28 pm Scris de Yami_Hime

» am aterizat..credeti-ma
Rate the song above you Icon_minitime1Joi Ian 22, 2009 6:45 pm Scris de myha14

» Fazan
Rate the song above you Icon_minitime1Joi Ian 22, 2009 4:42 pm Scris de DarkAngel

» Omake game
Rate the song above you Icon_minitime1Joi Ian 22, 2009 4:41 pm Scris de DarkAngel

» Cu ce personaj v-ati potrivi?
Rate the song above you Icon_minitime1Joi Ian 22, 2009 4:36 pm Scris de DarkAngel

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    feminin Numarul mesajelor : 87
    Varsta : 29
    Localizare : Somewhere in my world...
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    Mesaj Scris de Yume Sam Ian 10, 2009 11:11 pm

    Un user pune o melodie, iar cele de sub el ii da o nota si spune de ce a dat-o, panand la randul lui o melodie, ca in exemplu.

    My song:
    Avril Lavigne-Take me away

    Userul urmator:
    Nota 9.Nu e una din melodiile mele preferate si nu prea imi place Avril.
    My song:

    Let's see: Emilie Autumn - Shalott

    Ultima editare efectuata de catre Yume in Lun Ian 12, 2009 7:01 pm, editata de 1 ori
    Baby Angel
    Baby Angel

    masculin Numarul mesajelor : 18
    Varsta : 36
    Localizare : Tokyo,Japan
    Anime-uri preferate : Death Note,Bleach, Spiral,YU-GI-OH!
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    Personaj Pheonix City : Rate the song above you Mki1oi

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    Mesaj Scris de DarkAngel Lun Ian 12, 2009 5:49 pm

    Emilie Autumn - Shalott-O melodie bunicica imi place cum suna,este una dintre melodiile ei cele mai reusite. 9 pt melodie
    Ma mir ca mai asculta si altcineva decat mine Emilie Autumn .Mie imi place mult aceasta cantareata,poeta,compozitoare...dar cel mai mult imi place porecla ei: Raggedy Anne From Hell .
    Ador cum imbina teatrul cu muzica si cu violinul.Aborda un gen de muzica preferat mie:dark cabaret imbinat cu rock-metal .
    My song now: PARAMORE - DECODE

    Main Moderator
    Main Moderator

    feminin Numarul mesajelor : 176
    Varsta : 32
    Localizare : Black Scenery
    Anime-uri preferate : Death Note,Elfen Lied, Demonbane
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    Mesaj Scris de Kamishiro Joi Ian 15, 2009 4:19 pm

    draguta ascultat-o acum ceva vreme si imi placea deci o sa i dau un 9 ^^'''

    My song now :
    Vivid Place ( my fav

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